hedera gruppe

Holding company

under one roof

hedera gruppe GmbH is the holding company.

It gathers together all our experience and expertise. It holds all the shares in our residential, portfolio and commercial property businesses. hedera bauwert GmbH, hedera investment GmbH and hedera bauwert projektteam GmbH are under its responsible management.

hedera iInvestment GmbH specialises in investing in conventional businesses and PropTechs.

hedera bauwert projektteam GmbH is the heart of the group. It organises the resources and processes involved in developing and creating housing and commercial space. It coordinates all of the work processes, from purchase, to sale, to handover.

companies of the hedera gruppe

hedera bauwert

Creating value – for Berlin

companies of the hedera gruppe

hedera bauwert projektteam

Everyone contributes – but it’s the team that really matters
companies of the hedera gruppe

hedera investment

Investing – in the future


Would you like to know more?

Leibnizstraße 80
10625 Berlin
+49 30 887 867 0
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